SATURDAZE Safety Guide – Saturdaze

SATURDAZE Safety Guide

We want everyone in attendance to have the time of your life at SATURDAZE.

In order for this to happen it is important that everyone in attendance conduct themselves in a safe, responsible, and respectful fashion.



Use the Buddy System - It is so easy to get separated at these types of events.

Know where your friends are at all times.

Set up meeting points, and stick together during the event. If you think that you or one of your friends may need help, ask our friendly staff for assistance.



More Booze Does not Equal More Fun

One of the biggest springtime party mistakes that those visiting Vegas make is underestimate how fast the heat will sneak up on you when you are drinking.

Alcohol lacks the ingredients required to replenish the valuable electrolytes needed for hydration. Make sure to use the buddy system when monitoring the activities of your group. If you suspect that someone is suffering from a medical issue or potential drug overdose, seek immediate assistance from a member of our staff. Notify medical staff immediately if you or any of your friends are experiencing Vomiting, Seizures; Pale skin color or bluish tinge; Abnormal heart rate and/or breathing that is either too fast or slow; Abnormal body temperature (too hot or cold); Delusions, hallucinations or paranoia; Pupils that don’t to changes in light; Confusion, stupor (unresponsive but conscious), coma, or inability to be roused.


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